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Choose-your-own energies to best suit you.


Potpourri is about choosing 5 techniques (see below for all techniques) that will be available to you during the entire month. So that in times of stress you can just tap into the appropriate technique out of the list that you choose for yourself. Or if you have the desire just to tap into what you need on daily basis with your regular meditation practice. It’s based on however you need the support for the month. During the month if you feel like the energy has stopped flowing, just check with us and we can fill things up for the remainder of your time.

If the full list of techniques below is too much to choose from, here’s a smaller list that benefits most people:

grounding reiki • toning/music reiki • pain reduction reiki • peace reiki • path finding reiki • hearth reiki • awakening reiki • deep sleep reiki • divine love reiki • smooth elimination reiki • gentle perspective & acceptance reiki • body rebalancing reiki • all system soothing reiki


For $5 you can have any single technique for one month.

For $20 you can get 5 techniques for a month.

support from nature

dragonfly reiki.

Keep in mind that Dragonfly is about looking at or removing illusions.  We got lots of tingling, began ungrounded but this resolved by the end of the work. Use your favorite spirit animal resource for further information about working with Dragonfly. We like Ted Andrews work.

spikenard reiki.

Combining reiki with the energies of a healing plant that is found in India.

garnet reiki.

Supporting 1st Chakra work. Use your favorite stone guide as a reference.

carnelian reiki.

Supporting 2nd Chakra work. Use your favorite stone guide as a reference.

citrine reiki.

Supporting 3rd Chakra work. Use your favorite stone guide as a reference.

watermelon tourmaline reiki.

Supporting 4th Chakra work. Use your favorite stone guide as a reference.

blue lace agate reiki.

Supporting 5th Chakra work. Use your favorite stone guide as a reference.

tanzanite reiki.

Supporting 6th Chakra work. Use your favorite stone guide as a reference.

charoite reiki.

Supporting 7th Chakra work. Use your favorite stone guide as a reference.

owl reiki.

This is about connecting with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. Use your favorite spirit animal resource for further information (we like Ted Andrews) about working with Owl.

deer reiki.

Deer is about approaching circumstance with gentleness and grace. This includes dealing with one's self. Use you favorite spirit animal resource (we like Ted Andrews) for further information about working with Deer.

support for body

grounding I reiki.

This is one style or type of grounding. The intent of this is to help with grounding especially if you can feel that your system is backed up or if there’s a lot of letting go of stuff going on.

grounding II reiki.

Another style of grounding combined with Reiki.

grounding III reiki.

Another style of grounding combined with Reiki.

grounding IV reiki.

Another style of grounding combined with Reiki.

toning/music reiki.

What music inspires you ... calms you down ... has deep meaning for you ... invite that music to be combined with the reiki as you receive this energy (can be playing in the background when you receive).

internal harmonizing reiki.

We receive different types of energies and information through different systems. This is intended to help you and your internal system to harmonize everything into a collective whole.

pain reduction reiki.

This helps in circumstances where there may be excessive pain for whatever reason.  This is not about eliminating pain as pain is a feedback mechanism and you always want to know when something is not working correctly.

relaxing reiki.

If you are stressed ... this should knock you into a more calm state.  If you are calm to begin with then we suspect you will go deeper into it.

appetite enhancement reiki.

Intended to help the body to take sustenance. Often useful for those with severe illnesses or those taking drugs that reduce appetite.

deep sleep reiki.

The benefits of deep sleep without the needed time to get there or the sudden waking hangover if you wake up too fast from deep sleep. Receive this supportive energy before you nap or sleep.

inflammation reduction reiki.

This helps in circumstances where there may be excessive inflammation for whatever reason. This is not about eliminating inflammation as inflammation is a feedback mechanism and you always want to know when something is not working correctly.

swelling reduction reiki.

This helps in circumstances where there may be excessive swelling for whatever reason. This is not about eliminating swelling as swelling is a feedback mechanism and you always want to know when something is not working correctly.

tension release reiki.

There are two stages to this. The releasing of deep tension and the smoothing over of the energies to move into a greater state of relaxation. There may be some muscle soreness afterwards.

nausea reduction reiki.

This helps in circumstances where there may be excessive nausea for whatever reason.  This is not about eliminating nausea as nausea is a feedback mechanism and you always want to know when something is not working correctly.

energizing reiki.

This is intended to help with tiredness but not sleepiness.

smooth elimination reiki.

This is intended to utilize all the ways in which a human being can eliminate toxins. Not just #1 and #2.  Utilizing more water, fruit and vegetables to help with fluid movement would be helpful. Toxins can also include emotional toxins that have been stored in the body. Be aware that having the ability to let go of these toxins is just as important. We sometimes become attached to these things in a way that we may not be aware of.

body system rebalancing reiki.

This is intended to give a voice to all parts of the body so they can be heard and encourage full internal cooperation. This can cause some emotional releases.

untying energetic knots reiki.

This can have some emotional releases.

all system soothing reiki.

This is intended to soothe all the body systems a little bit.

renewal reiki.

Our understanding is that some of the night time processes have been muted at best. So this process is to help the body remember how to do renewal while you sleep. So for this process you will receive the energy before you have a sleep cycle. So like taking a pill before sleep... ask the energy to arrive as you are falling asleep.

rippling reiki.

Think of your energy field as a field of sand. Within that field you may see ripples or disturbances in the sand that represent "problem" areas. Rippling reiki works with your energy field to smooth out some of the bumps in the sand for an overall improvement.

support for spirit

white light reiki.

Combining white light and Reiki together

toning/music reiki.

What music inspires you ... calms you down ... has deep meaning for you ... invite that music to be combined with the reiki as you receive this energy (can be playing in the background when you receive).

peace reiki.

The peace that the divine intends for humanity.

rainbow light reiki.

Combining rainbow light and reiki together.

path finding reiki.

The idea of finding your path in the way that a river flows. Through, around, under, flood out of the banks. Whatever type of flow that is needed.

hearth reiki.

This energy might make you a bit sleepy or lose motivation (not in a bad way). It might make you want to snuggle/cuddle up a bit.

divine love reiki.

Odd to have a high vibration that still felt grounded. Divine Love is a powerful but beneficial energy and just about anything may happen.

awakening reiki.

This is probably not for the faint of heart.  Unless you are guided to otherwise ... Please take this energy in sips. We do not know how much or how little this will affect each individual. Everything will be beneficial and creator has the final control on how much happens. Though if you happen to be in a stress based situation or do not have time to process, I would wait to receive the energy until you have some down time. (i.e. the weekend or sleep with no work when you wake up). This energy can usually open or broaden spiritual gifts.

untying energetic knots reiki.

This can have some emotional releases.

feminine honoring reiki.

Feminine energy is found within all humans.

grounding III reiki.

Another style of grounding combined with Reiki.

nurturing reiki.

Our understanding is that this is the Feminine aspect of Divine Love.

grace reiki.

What we understand is that we are combining your individual grace with Reiki. That this should make healing easier.

honoring reiki.

The idea behind honoring is that you are loved, cherished and honored for who you are. The challenge is to not deflect for any reason whatsoever (being unworthy, being a woman, being a man, being a rock, being a child etc ...) This also might be very emotional to receive. So you can either take in sips or be where you can let the emotions flow if it's needed. (It's emotional to send).

rippling reiki.

Think of your energy field as a field of sand. Within that field you may see ripples or disturbances in the sand that represent 'problem' areas. Rippling reiki works with your energy field to smooth out some of the bumps in the sand for an overall improvement.

vibration reiki.

This helps with clearing out darkness.  This also might be very emotional to receive. So you can either take it in sips or be where you can let your emotions flow if it's needed.

gratitude reiki.

This is about giving AND receiving gratitude and helping that to flow more naturally. If you have a hard time receiving gratitude then you may struggle with this one.

support for mind/emotions

toning/music reiki.

What music inspires you ... calms you down ... has deep meaning for you ... invite that music to be combined with the reiki as you receive this energy (can be playing in the background when you receive).

hope reiki.

This energy will be a little ungrounding and you just let it ground out on it's own. Expect there to be some emotions stirred up by this. These emotions will be very specific to who you are (you're fully authentic self). No prediction as to what that is.

divine love reiki.

Odd to have a high vibration that still felt grounded. Divine Love is a powerful but beneficial energy and just about anything may happen.

grief support reiki.

This should be a very soft energy.

gentle perspective & acceptance.

The intent of this particular round is to help with stress, anxiety and depression.

wellbeing reiki.

This is about a sense of wellbeing. It is not about living in illusion and ignoring the problem.

joy reiki.

Combining Joy with Reiki.

compassion reiki.

This is about giving and receiving compassion. If you can stand in other people's shoes then this will help you to 'get it' more. If standing in other people's shoes challenges you, then this will help you but could be a bumpy ride emotionally.

grounding IV reiki.

Another style of grounding combined with Reiki.

Discounts, scholarships, pay it forward, and extenuating circumstances considered upon request. Also, ask us about the referral bonus for any of our paid features. Reach out