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Happy New Year

As we all say and hear Happy New Year, a different perspective occurs to me. In the past, I hear Happy New Year and it’s about the moment we cross over or the first day of the year. Then the blessing ends, holiday over, and the idea is complete. Just like any other holiday right? Well the new year doesn’t stay new forever, but the year does last well a YEAR. So how about if we were to receive a Happy New Year as a blessing that is intended to last for the WHOLE year! I wonder what that could make happen for all of us to hold that intention for the whole year?

So Happy Blessings in this New Year and the Year to Come. May you hold in your heart all the LOVE and PEACE that we and the world needs in the following parts of the year! If you feel low during the year, connect back in with this intention for Blessings in this Year. Much love and peace to all of you in 2017!

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